

   3rd Saturday of the month

   Jan - Nov at Zion Lutheran Church

   Doors Open at 8:30,

   Business Meeting at 9,

   Program @ 10:30.




March Meeting

March 15, 2025  9:00 A.M


Karen K Stone

Setup/TakeDown:  Accu-quilt Bee

Location: Zion Lutheran Church, 426 West Main

In 1996, the city of Fredericksburg, Texas held a week long celebration commemorating its 150th birthday. As a part of that celebration, a quilt show was held. The show was put together by volunteers who had a love for quilts and quilting. During the course of planning and executing that show, it was evident that a number of women in Fredericksburg were interested in having a guild where quilters could meet on a regular basis. In September 1997, a group of volunteers from the 150th show helped to organize a guild with the first guild meeting being held in November 1997. At that meeting there were 42 women who signed up as charter members. The Guild was named in January 1998 and at the end of its first full year, the Vereins Quilt Guild of Fredericksburg had grown to 170 members who actively participated in all phases of guild activities.        



Membership in the Guild is open to any person interested in any aspect of quilt making and quilt appreciation.

Dues of $20 are to be paid-in-full on/or before the third Saturday in November for the following year

Membership Form - Print and Mail

2026 Quilt Show


Our next quilt show will be

September 4-5, 2026


Our Guild Programs & Quilt Show are partially funded by grants from the

Fredericksburg Convention and Visitor Bureau, Pedernales Creative Arts Alliance, Gillespie County and the City of Fredericksburg.